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Prikazuju se postovi od svibanj, 2016

cream with strawberries – krema sa jagodama

refreshing, light cream for hot days, but it’s delicious in winter too

salted waffle with grains - slani bakin kolač

excellent snacks you can’t resist

vanilla crescents - vanil kiflice

Nada’s pie with cheese - Nadina pita sa sirom

this is one of the most commonly-made cake in my kitchen, this pie is light, not too sweet, and because of the cheese and sour taste is refreshing

creps - palačinke

here's a recipe for the best creps ever !?!?  (my Mom's recipe)

elderflower juice - sok od zove

the beginning of May is the time for making elderflower juice and syrup

elderflower syrup - sirup od zove

it’s May and it's time for elderflower syrup,    on the internet there are many different recipes and recommendations on how to make the perfect syrup, this below is a recipe I got from my neighbor many years ago, I changed a little according to the taste of my children, and I used to make it every year.

fast patella with margarine - brze pogačice sa margarinom

when you start making these patella you can immediately turn on the oven,  as long as it is warm, your patella will be ready for baking