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layered potatoes with minced meat - složenac od krompira sa mlevenim mesom

I make this leyered potatoes with minced meat rearly because it is little challenging,
it must be used a lot of different dishes: for this, for what and then of course all this should be washed,
but sometimes, for the sake of fine taste, it’s worth the sacrifice

for 3 people you need:

about 750 g of potatoes
1/2 kg minced meat – pork,chicken... or mixed
2 large onions
supplement for salt or salt
4 eggs
2 dl sour cream
a little oil
breadcrumbs 100 g

1.  wash the potatoes and put it to cook together with the peal,
     when it is cooked drain the water, allow to cool and peel
2.  fry bread crumbs on 2 tablespoons oil to obtain golden color
3.  whisk the eggs with sour cream
4.  onions chop into cubes and fry in oil, 
     add the meat,              
     stew twenty minutes to soften the flesh,
     let all the water to evaporate.

now arange the layer:

  1.oil the bottom of the bowl and
  2.sprinkle with half the bread crumbs,
  3cut the potatoes into thin slices
  4.rack up the first row to the bottom,
  5.pour salt over it and half the meat
  6.add potatoes, and the rest of meat
  7.then repeat the potato as a final row,
  8.sprinkle with breadcrumbs and
  9.cream mixed with eggs poured over it
10.bake for 20 minutes at 175 °C  
11.serve the layered potatoes with minced meat with sour          cream, mayonnaise or tartar sauce and salad

retko pravim ovaj složenac od krompira sa mlevenim mesom jer je malo zahtevan
mora se koristi puno raznih sudova: za ovo, za ono, 
a posle naravno sve to treba i oprati 
ali ponekad, zarad finog ukusa, vredi se žrtvovati

za 3 osobe potrebno je: 

oko 750g krompira
1/2 kg mlevenog mesa - svinjetine,piletine ili mešano
2 velike glavice luka
dodatak za jelo ili so
4 jaja
2 dl pavlake
malo ulja
prezle oko 100 g

1.  dobro operite krompira i stavite ga kuvati zajedno sa       ljuskom,
     kada je kuvan ocedite od vode, sačekajte da se prohladi, oljuštite,
2.  propržite prezlu na 2 kašike ulja da dobije zlatnu boju,
3.  4 jaja ulupajte sa pavlakom,
4.  luk iseckajte na kockice i propržite na ulju
     dodajte meso,
     dinstajte dvadesetak minuta da meso omekne,
     pustite da sva voda ispari.

sada složite složenac:

  1.nauljite dno činije i
  2.pospite sa pola prezle
  3.isecite krompira na tanke kolutove 
  4.ređajte prvi red na dno, posolite
  5.sipajte preko toga pola mesa opet red krompira i meso i kraju red ktompira koji ste
  8.posuli sa prezlom
  9.pavlaku pomešanu sa jajima sipajte preko svega
10.pecite 20 minuta na 175°C
11.služite složenac od krompira sa mlevenim mesom sa pavlakom, majonezom ili tartar sosom  i salatom


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