you need:
1 kg young green walnuts
1 kg sugar
4dl water
put it into the court with cold water,
the following day pour the water and
pour a new cold water and
so the next 9 days (10 times)
than 1kg sugar cook with 4 dl water to a syrup,
take off the foam if there are,
strain and cool.
put to boil a water,
put the walnuts in and
cook them to be soft.
cook them to be soft.
take the walnuts out of the water,
put them to drain and
than into the cold syrup and
than into the cold syrup and
leave it until tomorrow,
next day,
take out the nuts and
put the syrup to a boil with a pieces of cinnamon and some cloves,
put the syrup to a boil with a pieces of cinnamon and some cloves,
coole the syrup,
put the nuts back and
let it rest until tomorrow,
let it rest until tomorrow,
repeat it 4-5 times,
until all the moisture get out of walnuts,
6 -th day cook the syrup with the nuts until it is thick enough,
take off from the heat,
cover with a wet cloth,
leave it until tomorrow to cool and
pour into bottles
potrbno je:
1 kg mladih oraha
1 kg šećera
4 dl vode
1 kg zelenih mladih oraha par puta probodemo štrikaćom iglom
stavimo u sud sa hladnom vodom,
sledeći dan odlijemo tu vodu i
nalijemo novu hladnu vodu i
tako narednih 9 dana (ukupno 10 puta)
od 1kg šećera i 4 dl vode skuvamo sirup,
skinemo penu ako je bude,
procedimo i
stavimo da proključa voda,
ubacimo orahe i
skuvamo ih da budu mekani,
izvadimo iz vode,
stavimo ih u hladan sirup i
ostavimo ih tako do sutra,
sledeći dan izvadimo orahe
a sirup stavimo da provri sa komadom cimeta i par klinčića
ohladimo sirup,
vratimo orahe i ostavimo da odstoji do sutra.
to ponavljamo 4 - 5 puta, dok sva vlaga ne izađe iz oraha,
6 -ti dan kuvamo sirup zajedno sa orasima dok ne bude dovoljno gust,
skinemo sa vatre,
pokrijemo mokrom krpom,
ostavimo do sutra da se ohladi i
sipamo u flašice
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