Sok od kajsija morate prokuvati ako želite biti sigurni da vam preživi toplo leto,
gde provetravanje nije najbolje,
meni se to dogodilo jedne godine, tada još leta i nisu bila
ovako topla,
imala sam nekih dvadesetak flaša,
deca su bila mala i bila sam sva sretna što ću imati preko
zime fin, zdrav prirodni sok,
nisam dočekala ni polovinu avgusta,
jednog dana samo su jedno po jedno počeli naokolo leteti poklopci a
provreo sok da curi po ostavi,
jedno vreme ga zbog toga nisam ni pravila,
kasnije sam se raspitala i našla rešenje u kuvanju.
kasnije sam se raspitala i našla rešenje u kuvanju.
potrebno vam je:
3 kg lepih, zdravih zrelih kajsija
2 l vode
100g limuntusa
1 konzervans
operite, isecite kajsije na komadiće i dodajte vode
stavite to u poklopljen sud i ostavite u frižider na 24h
sutradan usitnite kajsije štapnim mikserom ili blenderom ili
procedite kroz sito
sada izmerite koliko
litara soka imate, dodajte šećer,konzervans i limuntus
kada provri, mora sva masa dobro da vri, pazite da vam pena
ne izleti iz suda,
sada možete ugasiti i sok sipati u čiste flaše,
zatvoriti i zatrpati da se postepeno ohladi, do sutra
od ove količine ja sam ove godine dobila 7 flaša soka (sirupa).
You need to cook this syrup if you want to make sure to survive hot summer days,
You need to cook this syrup if you want to make sure to survive hot summer days,
I recommend
cooking to everyone and especially to those who do not have very good storage
and where ventilation is not the best,
to me, it
happened one year, and then summers where not so hot as nowdays,
I had some twenty
bottles, children were small and I was happy to have over the winter fine,
healthy, natural juice
I haven’t met
even half of august,
one day, just one
by one caps began to fly around and a fermented juice to flow at the storage,
because of it,
for some time I didn’t made this juice,
later I asked
around and found a solution in cooking.
you'll need:
3 kg beautiful,
healthy ripe apricots
2 l water
100g lemontus
1 preservativ
sugar - as liters as you get after cooking , so much kg of sugar
Wash and cut
apricots into small pieces,
add to the water,
put the mass in
the bowl and leave it in the fridge for 24h,
next day chop
apricots with blender and filter it through a strainer,
now measure how
many liters of juice you have, add sugar, preservatives and lemontus,
cook it,
when it is boiling,
make sure the foam not to flew out from the pot,
you can turn off the
and the juice pour
into a clean bottles,
close the bottles
and cover them with blankets,
let them gradually
cool down until tomorrow
from this
quantity this year, I received 7 bottles of juice (syrup).
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