Preskoči na glavni sadržaj

glazed carrots - glazirana šargarepa

glazed carrots are tasty side dish to meat,

it's necessary:

dried vegetables
butter or margarine


slean and cut the carrots into slices,

add water to half of its and

add the sugar, salt, on top of a teaspoon of dried vegetables and

cook until the carrots are softened and the water not quite evaporates,

add pepper and one, not too big, piece of butter or margarine,

mix it with carrots to get a nice shine and glaze,

simmer a little in fat, a few minutes and

serve warm as a side dish.

amount depends on the number of persons you are cooking for
and the taste you want to achieve
be careful not to over-salt and not too greasy.

glazirane šargarepe su ukusan prilog uz meso,

potrebno je:

sušeno povrće
puter ili margarin


očistite i narežite šargarepu na kolutove,

dodajte vode do njene polovine i

dodajte šećer, so, na vrh kašičice sušenog povrća i

kuvajte dok šargarepa ne omekne a voda skoro ispari,

dodajte biber i jedno, ne suviše veliko, parče putera ili margarina,

izmešajte ga sa šargarepom da dobije lep sjaj i glazuru,

malo ga dinstajte u masnoći par minuta i

služite toplo kao prilog.

količine zavise od broja osoba za koje kuvate i
od ukusa koji želite postići
pazite da ne presolite i da ne bude suviše masno.



cottage cheese patella – pogačice sa sirom

layered potatoes with minced meat - složenac od krompira sa mlevenim mesom

cabbage with meat - sladak kupus na moj način

semolina noodles with cottage cheese - gomboci sa sirom

görhe - sweet corn flour pie – slatka pita od kukuruznog brašna

laid pork pie - slagana pita od mesa

white wine château - šato od belog vina

potato side dish - zuschpais od krompira

pie in milk dressing with whipped cream - pita u soku od mleka

bread pudding - engleski puding /puding od starog hleba