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scrambled eggs with bacon - kajgana sa slaninom

whether for breakfast or for dinner ???
or perhaps for lunch ???

no matter when you eat, scrambled eggs with bacon are excellent,

fast and easy to make, do not need a lot of cooking skills,

and everything is approximate,

it is required:

eggs - how many you want, (read: you can eat)
bacon -  just as you like
a little salt to taste - making sure the bacon is sometimes salty

you need everything to prepare before starting to cook,

set the table, make the salad, cut the bread,

now you can start:

1. cut a piece of bacon on the thickness of your finger and on the thick slices about         3 mm,

2. in a dish beat the eggs,

3. in the pan where you want to make scrambled eggs, arrange the  bacon,
    separate each piece and place it on the bottom of the pan
    when you turn on the fire bacon will slowly start to bake,
    when it gets light brown color, turn each piece,
    be careful not to burn,
    if there is a lot of fat, pour off the excess, then scrambled eggs will not be greasy
    when the other side of the bacon is baked, pour over the eggs from the dish,
    stir until eggs are baked,
    season with salt,
    pour out immediately on a plate because they will continue to bake,
    this is especially important for those who do not like too hard baked scrambled             eggs,

 4. serve and enjoy.

da li za doručak ili za večeru???
a možda i ručak???

bez obzira kada ga jedemo, kajgana sa slaninom je izvrsna.

brzo i lako se pravi, nije potrebno neko veliko kuvarsko znanje,

i sve je „odokativno“, otprilike

potrebna su:

jaja koliko želite (čitaj: možete pojesti)
slanina - koliko želite
malo soli po ukusu – pazite slanina je nekada slana

sve morate pripremiti pre početka pečenja,

postavite sto, napravite salatu, izrežite hleb,

sada možete početi:

1. izrežite slaninu na komad debljine prsta pa na listiće debljine oko 3 mm,

2. u posebnom tanjiru dobro umutite jaja,

3. u tiganj gde želite praviti kajganu poređajte sečenu slaninu,
    svaki listić da je po mogućnosti odvojen i da leži na dnu tiganja,
    kada upalite vatru slanina će početi polako da se peče,
    kada dobije svetlo braon boju, svaki komad preokrenite,
    pazite da ne zagori,
    ako ima viška otopljene masti odlijte da vam kajgana ne bude masna,
    kada je i druga strana slanine pečena, sipajte od gore jaja,
    mešajte dok se jaja ne ispeku,
    odmah servirajte na tanjir jer će se kajgana i dalje peći,
    to je naročito važno za one koji ne vole suviše tvrdu kajganu,

4. poslužite i uživajte.





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